Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Election TIme!

Oooh baby, one thing I love is an election!

I'm not going to lie, I am actually terrified of Harper winning a majority. Hopelessly terrified.

I certainly would not consider myself patriotic by any stretch of the imagination but something about this election has me wanting to scream at people -WE DESERVE BETTER!-

Anyhoo-off to build my panic room!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Either I learn to put the garbage out of the dog's reach or she has to learn NOT to get into the garbage.

Yes, this is the Earth bag...chewed up....on my BED

Bad Dog

Monday, April 11, 2011


Thank the flipping lord the weather has taken a turn for the better! My thoughts are now shifting away from the indoors and drifting outdoors. Of course means it’s just about to start gardening!! Oh have I missed playing in the dirt. I promised myself last year that I was NEVER gardening again BUT I am going super simple this time around. Tomatoes herbs bush beans peas and MAYBE a pepper or two. Super easy. There is NO excuse for me to fail this year.

Life is good.