Wednesday, May 22, 2013

And it starts.

With the exception of an unfortunate exchange with the biggest asshole to sport a chick tattoo as well as a diagnosis of a malignant and inoperable tumor I would say today was pretty good!

We focus on the positive, yes?

Like being excited to plant potatoes!

Good news is that the beginning of garden season is always the most exciting. I am almost as obsessed with it as Gary is with eating my underwear. THAT obsessed.

I find it interesting that I don't document my gardening ventures as much as I do considering my absurd obsession with it. September to April I constantly daydream about sex and May to August my brain is consumed with thoughts of where to plant my coneflower and hateful thoughts of whatever the hell it is that is digging in my beds.

I decided to really document this year. I often forget what I did the year before (as in, what did I do to cause it to fail) but this year I think it's different.

I used to have this hideous carport. Hideous. Last year it all came down and awesome beds were made into what I think is a prime veggie garden spot.

So, on your right you have your corn, zucchini, beans, carrots and garlic. To your left, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, garlic and carrots. The large pot at the end house my potatoes and I have some cucumbers and watermelons.

At the side the girls were very helpful as they always are and a small bed was planted.

Popcorn, snap peas, onions and more potatoes.

And of course a shit head dog busy destroying a fence board.

Let it begin!!

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