Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Of all the piggies to get....

....I get the nocturnal ones.

I actually did quite a bit of research on the little bad boys. All the reading I did assured me that Guinea pigs are diurnal. Why and how, for the love of God, did I end up with not one, but THREE nocturnal little bastards?!?! Yes, yes....they are babies and a little scared of their new surroundings and the constant yelling of the children. There may have been an unfortunate incident involving Carl the cat falling into their cage, further perpetuating the profound fear they surely feel. Did I mention that my baby girl also happened to pick one of the loudest little fuckers in the history of the cavy world?

Oh yeah, one of them seems to have contracted a nice eye infection! I can't WAIT for the vet bill!

Why do I do this to myself?

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