Monday, August 31, 2009

Bee inspired Haiku

Today a bee crawled

Up my leg and placed a sting

Deep into my flesh

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hot or not?

I am trying to decide if my excitement over the 1.5 inch butternut squash that is growing in my garden is a sign of maturity or completely pathetic.

I chose to believe it is awesomely mature of me. So, suck it, Bitches!! Behold, my butternut squash!


So I know everyone is just dying to know how the pinata turned out. Well, it was awesome. I knew it would be but I didn't realize what a pain in the ass it would be. It took about 4 days to fully construct this bad boy. It also turns out that cats really like eating pinatas. Who knew? Anyhoo..once I was able to stop the cats from eating it and it was all dried my friends and I went to town.

So here it is, in all its glory:

Here is Sarah carefully placing little tissue bits

The bad news is the pinata fell off the strings after the first swat. This of course only meant an opportunity to play pinata baseball.

Here is Niki ruining the party by destroying the pinata

Pinata baseball

About 30-35 people showed up and we had some drinks, some eats and some convo. Good times. House parties are the bee's knees.

Here is an end of the night shot of Jenny and I....just cause we look hawt, if not completely exhausted and slightly inebriated.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oooh baby!

So it looks as though I will be having a wee shinding on Saturday. It somehow became a theme party of the Mexican sort. Ordinarily I would have a total shit fit at the prospect of a theme party except this gives me the BEST excuse to make a pinata!!!!!!

I am pretty bummed that I couldn't start it tonight, however, thanks to my wheat sensitive children I don't have any crap flour and I have a feeling that Kamut flour just wont cut it. So, tomorrow I will go to work, making the greatest pinata in the history of the world.

Hoooly shit. I can't wait. It is going to be AWESOME! Hold on to your hats folks, I am about to amaze you with my paper mache skills.

It's gonna look like this:

You will notice my lack of ambition this time around. I feel that I will have far more room to gloat when my pinata is smoking hot compared to this pile of puke.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I never thought I would see the day...

....where I gave three guinea pigs a bath.

What has happened to my life?


I have just had the most emotionally draining week.

My lovely boy, Carl has to be re homed.

Carl came to live with me seven years ago. Once upon a time I would visit the Humane Society every other day just to see the animals. I knew I wanted another cat but I was in no hurry. At the time the Humane Society was doing some major renovations so I also enjoyed seeing the new homes the abandoned cats and dogs had. I think I was having some major postpartum issues so seeing these little critters getting new digs warmed my black heart. day I walked into the cat area, saw Carl and right away went up to the counter and told them I wanted to bring him home that day. And that is how he came to live with me!

If I were to be totally honest with myself I would have to say that he peed in the house from day one. I first noticed it when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter. I contacted the animal communicator and was told that it was likely because I was pregnant and going through a divorce. I ran with that and sure enough once the baby was born he least I no longer noticed it. Being a single parent to three babies ages 0 to 4 left little time to notice a cat peeing everywhere. Fast forward to today and a couple thousands of dollars later to try and remedy this problem it has been made clear that only two options remained. Re homing him somewhere without any other cats or putting him to sleep. I made the decision to put him to sleep as it seemed like the most humane option. I would never dream of sending him back to the HS where he would likely live the rest of his life in a cage. I also didn't want to re home him with someone I didn't know as I feared that he would be mistreated. I made the decision and sent an email out to my friends explaining the situation.

Some people have terrible exhusbands. I do not. In fact, I might love my exhusband more now than I did when we were married. The King emailed me and told me that he and his wife would like to take Carl on a trial basis. I cried. Like, I really cried.

This Thursday Carl will be en route to his new home. I have to admit that I have had a constant lump in my throat since these plans have been made. I am not sure I have met a sweeter cat than Carl. I mean, I know that he will be treated really, really well AND he has the additional bonus of seeing my girls every other weekend but I can't shake the idea of Carl thinking that I have abandoned him. Well, I suppose I have but it was with the best of intentions. Sadly I can not make Carl understand this.

So, farewell to Carl the Great. May you have a long and wonderful life in your new home where I know you will be loved as much as you have been here.