Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oooh baby!

So it looks as though I will be having a wee shinding on Saturday. It somehow became a theme party of the Mexican sort. Ordinarily I would have a total shit fit at the prospect of a theme party except this gives me the BEST excuse to make a pinata!!!!!!

I am pretty bummed that I couldn't start it tonight, however, thanks to my wheat sensitive children I don't have any crap flour and I have a feeling that Kamut flour just wont cut it. So, tomorrow I will go to work, making the greatest pinata in the history of the world.

Hoooly shit. I can't wait. It is going to be AWESOME! Hold on to your hats folks, I am about to amaze you with my paper mache skills.

It's gonna look like this:

You will notice my lack of ambition this time around. I feel that I will have far more room to gloat when my pinata is smoking hot compared to this pile of puke.


1 comment:

  1. It's gonna look like that? Are we changing the theme to Easter?
    See you Sat!!!
