Monday, January 18, 2010


Why today rates high on the Suck Meter:

1)I am dog tired, however, can not sleep.

2)I haven't showered in two days.


4)Child #1 has a new teacher who spent most of today making "fart puddy" with the class. I am willing to bet the farm that this guy has had blond tips within the past three years.

5)I ripped BOTH armpits on my coat.

6)I found not one, not two but THREE HUGE centipedes in my basement.

7)My lips are perpetually chapped. Think 8 year old boy.

SO basically I am in a piss poor mood all around.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hired hands.

People who hire people to do basement renovation are suckers....or don't have children.

I hope the girls are better with a circular saw than I am.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What I have learned

So in the very early stages of my basement renovation I have learned the following things:

1)No matter how empty your basement is there is still a shit load of crap that needs to be hauled out.

2)Law and Order SVU makes crow bar usage look WAY easier than it actually is.

3)Although I really want to stick it to my doubting parents and not wear eye protection....I most certainly will.

4)I really do love removing splinters.

5)This is going to be a LOT more work than I had anticipated.

So basically my newest project, now that knitting, sock monkeys and Halloween costumes are out of the way, is to finish a large part of my barren basement. While I am in no way a DIY I am super excited to get started, however, I am super excited to get started on a number of projects. Unfortunately this project can't be tucked under my bed or donated to the GoodWill. Should be interesting....