Friday, January 15, 2010

What I have learned

So in the very early stages of my basement renovation I have learned the following things:

1)No matter how empty your basement is there is still a shit load of crap that needs to be hauled out.

2)Law and Order SVU makes crow bar usage look WAY easier than it actually is.

3)Although I really want to stick it to my doubting parents and not wear eye protection....I most certainly will.

4)I really do love removing splinters.

5)This is going to be a LOT more work than I had anticipated.

So basically my newest project, now that knitting, sock monkeys and Halloween costumes are out of the way, is to finish a large part of my barren basement. While I am in no way a DIY I am super excited to get started, however, I am super excited to get started on a number of projects. Unfortunately this project can't be tucked under my bed or donated to the GoodWill. Should be interesting....

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