Thursday, June 18, 2009

No good deed goes unpunished

It's that time of year again. When frantic parents rummage through the vanity looking for hairspray, can't seem to find the right colour of thread for sewing and need to make a quick dash to the pharmacy to buy blue frost eyeshadow. The time of year I am referring to is the grand dance recital. This is when proud Grandparents, bored siblings and over caffinated soccer Moms get to watch their little darlings perform their mediocre dance skills.

The dance studio my girls go to is terrific. There is a great deal of parental involvement, tasteful costumes and a general cheery attitude. One thing this dance studio really counts on is parent volunteers. I couldn't help but notice a sharp decrease in the number of volunteers. Actually, it is hard not to notice when the director of the studio has sent emails begging us to volunteer. Anyhoo, me, being a super amazing person decided to step up to the plate. I figure I would lend a hand to the junior area. This way I can chill with the kids and obsess over my own offspring's makeup. Easy peasy! The 7-12 year old crown is super low maintenance. Bring some snacks, a DVD player and some Advil and I am laughing!

No such luck.

I have been slotted in the Kinderdance/Primary dressing room. Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!? Do you know what 4-6 year old kids are like?!?! This is just about the worst place for me to be. I genuinely dislike young children, particularly 4-6 year old girls in large quantities. Turns out everyone else does too as it is only me and ONE OTHER PARENT who will be responsible for these easily misplaced little creatures.

Let us do the math. 20 ankle biters + 2 babysitters = FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK


  1. I love how your post took such a violent turn for the worse after you wrote "No such luck." Your disgust for the younger set just seethes outta yer post.

  2. It hasn't happened yet. It's THIS Sunday.
