Thursday, October 11, 2012


Fall. How it makes me happy!

So many folks are SO pissy about the Fall. Not this girl! Nothing puts an extra swing in me than bringing out the sweaters, curling up and knitting and unapologetically eating everything I want. I am quite confident that I am half bear. By November I am a fat, hairy, lazy beast. And I fucking love it.

That being said, the new "rational" me will be a little more reasonable. Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of shaving my armpits on a regular basis, however, I will set some goals to get out of the house in the winter.

In the true spirit of my obsessive list making I'll make a list of my "to do"s for the upcoming colder days.

1). Go tobogganing at least twice. Once with the girls and once with buds.

2). Run once a week. I'm not totally delusional, there's no bloody way I'll keep up with my current routine. But I don't want to totally lose the habit.

3). Go on a cheesy Christmas tour in a horse drawn wagon. I have only been twice and I just loved it.

4). Buy snowshoes and go. I remember going with my dad as a wee girl. I might hate it now....but I'm hoping I simply forgot how awesome it was.

5). Be fabulous

Yep. That's a solid list. The rest of my time will be devoted to knitting, Breaking Bad and cheese.