Well, let me tell you, the past few days have been utterly thrilling.
And I am in now way being sarcastic.
We have had the sweetest little houseguest ever and I just managed to squeeze in another night with him. Mr. Bubba, the softest, happiest dog in the world has been simply delighting us. He also inspired the best dinner convo ever.
Me: Well I think that he is smart.
Kid #2: He peed all over my blanket!
Kid #3: He thinks he's a cat!
Kid #1: He peed on his own face!
Needless to say, where this cuddly little bastard lacks brains he more than makes up for in charm.
In other, super amazing news, my trip is booked!! The plan was originally Thailand, however, plan changed and Mr B and I are off to lovely Peru. Looks like we will fly into Cusco Christmas morning and putter about till we hit (fingers crossed) the inca trail. Sadly we waited too long and the standard 4 day one is booked. I suggested the 7 day trek and I can't be certain but fairly confident Brian looked me up and down to view the state of my body before shooting that idea down (thanks, Dick) so it looks like the two day one it is. Sheesh...some people have no sense of adventure.
Anyhoo....time for a list!
Christie's Fabulous Peruvian Adventure To Do List.
1. Eat a guinea pig
2. Not get roofied
3. Avoid any kind of massive colon blow as the result of #1 and #4
4. Eat a cow heart on a stick (apparently Cusco's equivalent of a lollipop)
5. Bring a bunch of real lollipops to give, not to be nice, but to really stick it to those little kids when they realize they have been swindled by their asshole parents who convinced them that a goddamned cow heart on a stick is a treat.
6. NOT make out with a cute localo. There is no end to my questionable judgement where a cute boy is concerned.
7. Not attempt to smuggle drugs.
8. Resist the urge to buy an awesome new camera. My shitty point and shoot will just have to do.
9. Follow medical advice regarding vaccinations and altitude sickness
10. Be fabulous.
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