Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Little Red Corvette

Nothing drops this girls panties quite like this song. Gah...can't deal.

In related panty dropping news I'm making JAM! (Forgive the choppy chain of thought.  I am on day four of  little sleep thanks to an all too familiar bout of insomnia.....what did people with insomnia do before google chat and debate boards?)

Anyhoo... it appears Mr. BY and I are having a bit of a jam competition. He made strawberry jam so I made three times the amount using strawberries picked by hand, in a thunderstorm by myself and my jam making minions.

He goes and makes blueberry jam so naturally I decided to make LIME blueberry jam with mint.   Then I remembered I'm a purist AND I recalled the most amazing goat cheese with cherry preserves on a baguette I had. Serious mouthgasim.

Anyway...cherries aren't quite in season yet. That being said I think cherries are just great wherever they are from so I decided to opt for the ones from Washington state (I can only assume cherries from Washington state are THE cherry to get seeing as the broad at the store REALLY emphasized this fact). So my superior Washington state cherries (seriously, she was all "ummm these are from Washington STATE) and I made our way home.

I'm trying to figure out all of the functions of my camera while refusing to actually read the manual.  This was the least lame picture of the cherries I got.

Hours of chopping later I got this macabre mush

Tons of sugar and lemon and Voila! The prettiest red jam has to offer

But seriously hard can it be to find a blue eyed Scotsman with a huge beard who not only LOVES gardening but also loves doing it to Little Red Corvette WHILE making jam?!

I don't think I'm being unreasonably fussy.

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