Monday, August 27, 2012

And the Mother of the Year Award goes to me once again!

When I was a wee girl rules were rather simple.  Be home when the street lights came on, don't do drugs and don't talk to strangers.  Easy peasy.

These days it's a little more complicated.  Or not, if you are an attentive parent.

I don't love the idea of my 8 year old having an email account. I myself just recently bought an iPhone so clearly I about as challenged as they come. That being said, when said 8 year old asks to play with my phone so that she can Pop the Frog (a game I myself have become quite addicted to) I think nothing of it. Little did I know the little imp decided to use her time to EMAIL MY EXBOYFRIEND!

Let me just say that while I'm impressed that it took her about 5 minutes to figure out something that took me a week I am still a little bit concerned.

It's kinda crazy that I had to add, to the list of rules....don't email random men. Eeesh.

Then she gave me this gift with instructions to wear the flower behind my ear which I have done so proudly.


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