Friday, November 15, 2013


As I transition into my full time work from home gig it becomes abundantly clear that my 2ft filthy covered in candy bar wrappers desk simply isn't suitable home office space.   WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??!!!!

Right. I'll just use this GIGANTIC table that is literally just sitting in the middle of my living room as a desk.

Sometimes my very basic of observational skills are utterly tragic.


I was rearranging the basement in preparation of my sweet new office space and cleaning out 8 years of complete garbage from the drawers of my old desk and found A MOUNTAIN OF SQUISHY HEARTMELTING AMAZING AWESOME in the form of a million burned dvds of pictures and videos from when the kids were little.


It's funny.  I remember that day.  We had this stupid singing and  dancing bear.  O would run around it  Over and over again.   To this day that song haunts me.  She was chronically sick and snotty so she couldn't eat nuts, wheat, eggs, beef or any food colouring.   L had a cold herself and was so miserable.  Sophia, for some reason was actually delightful.    I was going through a divorce and my sister was also in a transition period so we rented a house together for 2 years.   I was a single parent on mat leave, and all of my money was being eaten up by legal fees.  That year my parents had to buy my kids Christmas presents for me.   I was so stressed and felt like I was an inch tall.  At the time I was all "ZOMIGODS THIS IS THE WORST"

I was sooooo wrong.

About a year or two later I was dating a fellow who got me just about the best Christmas present I could have ever imagined.  Behind my back he took the girls for a photo shoot.  AND I FOUND THE DVD OF THE ENTIRE SHOOT!  Now,  I know first hand how hard it is to dress up three little people and try to get a group shot of evidenced by this picture...

And this one...

.  And...AND he had them put their handprints on the back of each picture.  I completely forgot about the handprints so I went and looked and Clark Griswald cried at the sheer sweet of it.


I swear, my uterus is itching.  And I feel like I need to find this guy and give him a fruit basket.

The best!!

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