Wednesday, April 30, 2014

And on the Eighth Day God Created Ativan

Getting anxiety attacks during super cool awesome times is like getting a gigantic headache at Christmas time.   Everything is still really rad....but there is it....a gloomy little wrinkle in things.

I am no stranger to these little fuckers and I will say that I am so so glad that my anxiety attacks aren't that bad.....but they are still pretty sucky.

Now, a lot has changed these past few weeks.  All positive.  All amazing.'s still change and I can't help but think that my little mind is processing it all.    One little one, here and there is ok...but when you are in a perpetual cycle of deep breathing, jitters and sweat it suuuuuucks.     If only there was a pill for such things.

Uh....wait.  Yep.  There is in fact a pill for that.  A pill where the ONLY side effect is no more panic attacks.

Seeing my family doctor always results in three things.   A pap test, my vagina being pinched in the speculum  and disapproving looks.    I'll be honest, part of me thinks (worries?) that my 65 year old doctor will think I'm a tramp for having a maintained nether region.  Anyway,   I knew there would be some friction between us as my legs are covered in bruises so I knew that I had to tell him about derby (he doesn't approve). I went with my little script.

And all is exactly well.

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