I have had it. HAD IT with this shit. Typically by the end of February I'm ready to rip out my fingernails and Monday was met with a four hour bawling snot fest. While some external situations may have contributed to my misery I'm also pretty confident that this constant dumping of white terror is about 99.999999999% responsible.
But every cloud has a silver lining and I learned that money indeed buys happiness! Good news for me is that I come cheap and my happiness came with a modest price tag of $41.37.
140 plugs of hope.
Plus cute labels I made.
I don't care if it's too soon, or if they all die All I know is that I really needed to play with dirt. All I know is that I need just one little sprout to remind me that this ghastly winter is soon over and I can play outdoors once again.
The ground is frozen! ;)