God, these dogs. Just love. They do nothing wrong. Ever.
Unlike Gary.......
Baby lock #3...note the cat toy behind him...that he ate.
This youtube dogs are perfect gentlemen. They always listen. They never put muddy paws on the furniture and I am super duper sure they have never EVER done something as outrageously heinous as this...
And this is why Jesus created Boarding facilities. So people like me can get the hell outta town without worry. So that we get a break from the puppy insanity. You know what? I bet this lil'bastard will be so overcome with emotion upon my return that he will never ever ever misbehave again. Ever.
....record sccccratch......
Oh shit...what if he thinks I abandoned him?!?!?
Aaaand now I'm worried. Sure, I had vetted the joint fairly well and it comes highly recommended by many folks at the dog park AND he has been there before. the end of the day it is just a business. Will he get affection? What if the other dogs are mean to him?
Now all I see is this this face, begging to be loved.
Love me
Don't leave me
Pleeeeeese love me
I am not totally irrational, I am aware that dogs are dogs and only their people humanize them with these sentimentalities but I am totally convinced that Gary is the best person I have ever known. Yeah, yeah...he's a bastard...but he means well. All of a sudden I care very little about the destroyed back yard. I don't really care that he chases the cats (I hate those cats, anyway). All I can think about is him being bullied by another dog....and that terrible time I yelled at him for chewing a bone on the couch, when he WASN'T chewing on a bone on a couch.
I think this will be good for me. I'm clearly off the rails on this one....especially since you will notice that I am not at all concerned about the girls also being gone.
Mother of the Year for the win!!!
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