Friday, May 23, 2014

Oh man.

I'm going to make every effort to totally meltdown at least 4 times a year.

Yesterday it all came to a head and I spent the better part of the evening a'sobbing away.   I soon realized that I wasn't even upset anymore.  I just needed that crazy release.  I reached out to everyone on my short list of people who have really seen me mental and got the reassurance I so needed.


To be fair to myself, I haven't been able to work out at.all. since my foot injury and there has been no where for the negative energy to go.  Crying seems the natural alternative.   When I started crying during "Sexy and I Know It" it occurred to me that I might be dealing with a sliiiiiight monthly hormonal surge that has been plaguing me since I was 13.  The constant slamming of my teenaged daughters door provided further evidence that my problem might be driven more by physiology and not Daddy Issues.

Ignoring all rationalisation I managed to get myself home,  bid a final farewell to the lovely Mr. M (who, objectively speaking, is waaaay too good for me :o)  ) go on the most pitiful half run/half limp, eat a LOT of ice cream and down a bottle of wine  savour a wee sniff of vino. reward myself for my self serving I am fleeing the city for the evening but not before shelling out an arm and a leg for a new haircut and colour.


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