I shit you not, this is my recent google image search list:
Bad tattoos
Excessively long foreskin
Embarressingly long foreskin
Circumcision in adult men
Foreskin rejuvenation
Roller derby ankle break
Worst derby injury
Nice calves
Derby broken finger
Marilyn Monroe post mortem (!?!)
Medieval amour
Torture devices
Post mortem photography
Cute fairy cakes
Midget penis
Micro penis
Derby head injury
Tomme au Marc de raisin
How chickens have sex
Bot fly
Orange cats
Strange looking labia
Drunk frat boys
Some of these actually make sense. Most do not. But ya, off to clear the history and watch more of my new favourite sport, extreme wrestling. I should also avoid the computer during bouts of insomnia. No wonder I can't sleep.
ROTFLMFAO This is hil fucking larious, good blog post lmfao and thanks so much for the laughs. Keep up that insomnia!