Thursday, September 13, 2012

50 Shades of Grey

For the sake if full disclosure I will admit that I have never read this book but 50 Shades can seriously suck it.

Some folks are outraged to see that misogynistic drivel has garnered so much attention. I'm just offended that this book is being treated like a goddamned revolution. Wake up, dumbasses. You want porn? BUY IT.

It's ok. Men have been doing it for years. You don't need a book that by MANY accounts is a piece of garbage. Now, us wimmins, from what I hear, are nice submissive creatures who like to read sex rather than see it. Our little brains can only take so much dirt. Fine. I get it. Thing is, there are deviants out there who have vaginas yet WANT to see the dirty stuff. Now, last time I checked it is 2012 which is why it baffles me that woman are STILL ashamed of their sexuality.

Nut up. You enjoy it and that's ok. I can't stress this enough. There's nothing wrong with having a vagina AND liking porn.

For the record, I am not trying to suggest that I am an enthusiast. I do not own a single pornographic image. But to all the folks out there, buying this crap because you think it's the only socially acceptable way you can get off without your husband? It isn't.

Now go get her, Tiger!

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