Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to the pond.

The other day my kids were watching some shitty kids show. A commercial for eharmony came on. I realized that the online dating gig has come to realize that it's best to advertise during children's programming due to the high volume of lonely single parents out there with nothing better to do but watch shitty programming. I would like to think that I do not fall under that category. My youngest bellows out " YOU SHOULD JOIN" and after I locked her back in her cage I thought about it.

Now, I will never join eharmony after a rather unfortunate ego bruising I received several years ago when a 4'11 hobbit who I am fairly certain was walking around with an extra chromosome said HE wasn't interested in ME! Anyhoo, there are no shortages of cesspools out there to meet some
folks so I said to myself "Hey now, you are living in the now...DO IT!"

This isn't the first time in recent history I have done this but for whatever reason I bailed on it as fast as I joined.

I once knew someone who always tried (and failed) to get me out of my comfort zone. I always resisted as it was so, well, unnatural for me.

Not anymore says she! You know what? I AM going to go rollerblading with the ridiculously muscular meat stack who will likely be horrified with my total lack of grace and ability. I WILL go sailing with the 50 year old widower. Why? Because we have things in common, I'm opening myself up to new experiences, finally getting out of my comfort zone and meeting new friends to share these things with.

I only have one wee life and I intend on living it well.

And if I survive rollerblading I'll get us all pairs and force my kids to do it with me.

And maybe no on the sailing. Especially if his wife died in a sailing related "accident". I can only be so free spirited!

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