Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall Fall is here again!

It appears as thought I have survived all of my imaginary cancers, however, I'm fairly certain I have contracted tuberculosis.  It sucks cause I have the TB BUT it has made this quitting smoking garbage a lot easier.  I'm doing remarkably well.  I will be honest and say that there have been a few moments where I really wished my 11 year old smoked so I could bum one off of her but I think the worst is over.

And now I'm a non smoker, riddled with TB and there is so much to do before I die.  The good news is it's Fall which means HALLOWEEEEN and sweaters.

I have decided to make a list of things to do this month, assuming the Tuberks doesn't off me.

1).  Wear sweeeeeaters!!!

2).  Paint ball the shhizznit out of some zombies.  I feel as though a full on zombie smoking costume is in order.

3).  Make apple butter!

4).  Start knitting hats.

5).  Be fabulous.

6).  Design and execute a sweet Halloween costume.

7).  Finish ripping out the carpet.

8).  Pray my toenails start growing back.

It's a pretty lame list but I need to be super frugal.   The basement toilet is finally in and the adorable fellow who had the audacity to show up with a BEARD is about to wall it all off, making it private.  Thing is that it is going to take every.bit.of.restraint NOT to lose my shit and finish it RIGHT NOW.  But is going to be awesome and if I am reeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyyy careful I can have it all done by March.  Now, apparently the stuff I'm using to remove the cat pee stained carpet (thanks Cecil, that was one hell of a legacy) contains some pretty amazing chemicals known to cause changes to DNA.  So, if I can huff enough of this I might totally get superpowers and I can use those powers for evil and steal a bunch of cash to finance this!  Thanks to DaveR for this piece of info.  On the other hand, there are carcinogenic ingredients so the cancer thing might be a bit of a buzz kill.

Now I just need to find a street kid to show me how to abuse solvents.

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