Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Poor people don't have cleaning ladies.

Now that Plan A-moving to a different city has been wiped off the table (what can I say, I have too much to live for) it's time to move to Plan B.

The Year of Living Frugally!

Here's the thing, my goal is to save 35% of my income as well as as much as possible for the girls uni.   Currently I'm at 22% and I can swing about 2 years for ONE degree.  

Le sigh.

The panic sets in and I juuuuuuuuust dooooooon't haaaaaaaaaaaave ennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnough.

Then I briefly look around and I'm reminded that's I'm a remarkable tool bag.

Seeing as I fancy myself a cautionary tale AND I love lists I have prepared  a jaw dropping list based ONLY on things I will actually admit to and took me exactly zero effort to come up with.  Shit that has been removed from my life as of now, requiring zero growing pains or real inconvenience.

Monthly garbage expenses.  Here it is.  Prepare to be ashamed on my behalf.

Cleaning lady $80.00

Starbucks.-I spend a fair amount of time at Starbucks, it does nothing for my wallet OR waistline 5 a week at 6 bucks a shot-$120.00

My phone-I don't need to spend $5 a month to block numbers I have already forgotten , or road side assistance  or CALL FORWARDING. bwhahhaha.  $36

Smoking.  This is not an easy venture.  But I'm ready this time.  Day two isn't easy but I'm here and I haven't punched anyone...ready for this figure....?  $236.48

Cheese -last month I spent $70.00.  I do love good cheese and as God as my witness I WILL NOT give it up cold.  But I'll cut it in half.  $35.00

Dawhinnie.  Oh man, this might hurt.  $150.00

Cosmetics.  Oh jesus.........

This is what I bought in the past 6 weeks.

This, dear friends, is over $400.00 in shit for my face.  Let me be clear, someone as gorgeous and radiant as me does NOT require all of this crap.   Oh T. Gary, your judgement hurts.

This is what  I ACTUALLY use.

It's hard to measure exactly how much I spend on my face.  I'll wager an average of $100.00 a month.

Anyway....I almost died when I added it all together.


$9089.76 a year

And this is only a single snap shot

Let's just say that with some very moderate adjustments things are gonna start looking preeeeetty different and comfortable.

And I might just go ahead with ceramic tile for the basement.

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